Sunday, October 27, 2013

Morning Assembly

Assalamualaikum and hai :)
long time tak tekan menekan keyboard laptop, huu.
its 01.10 am , 27 October and I'm still not sleeping,
so I decide to share an experience of mine, how to make your school morning assembly become a tragic? . haha, okay touching with my own words, ghaha.

the day before that day, Dayana came to me and offered me to become MC for the next day, and ya I said 'yes, why not' for it. ohh damn, did I really said that? yes i did :o .

That day, i came early at prep foyer, studying Physic before start doing my duty. Kiah give me the scrip and yah i talked to myself : all the best dearself. I thought i can do like okay okay la, conduct assembly je kot. haha, kot la sangat. But then, I realized, this is not tcs, dude igop kot, it is a coed school. two gender in this school. What I'm trying to say is, i cannot suit myself with coed school yet. I'm from convent, all girls, no boys.
 It was Wednesday, malang day for me,  pelajar beratur ikut platun unit beruniform and barisan depan semua lelaki! Crap! hahaha. I can't really remember what happened that day, okay I'm lying. Gagap baca nama cikgu, pencil jatuh, kertas jatuh , apa lagi, name it! haha. not a good day for me.
Haritu jumpa orang je, orang tanya weh tadi kau kenapa? ha ha hal hal ehwal -- ya they imitated the way I gagap. menangis dalam hati tapi dibibir sebuah senyuman diberi.
banyak lagi tapi tak perlu dikenang, haha. tak perlu dikenang but why am I still writing about it? It has become my past and one of my memory. A bad one of course and I don't want to forget about it, an experience kot, so experience untuk diteladani, to become a better person. overcome kata-kata orang, be prepared before buat something, ya

 thinking positive la even though other people dont :)