Sunday, December 30, 2012

Blueberry Cheesecake


Last last week, i made Blueberry Cheesecake, and im so glad, it turn out well. Got the recipe from . but i did change it.

The ingredients,

For Base
20 pieces of Biscuit Marie
75g melt butter
1 tsp cold water
1 tsp sugar

500g cream cheese. You can use Tatura or Philadelphia. Philadelphia is the best but to save budget I suggest you to use Tatura. I used Tatura and alhamdullilah it tasted good.
3/4 cups of castor sugar
4 eggs
250 ml whip cream. Whip cream and frosting cream is different. Jangan salah beli. I used 150g untuk cake and 100g untuk hias kek. *Optional
1 tbs vanilla extract 
250g blueberry filling


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
2. Do the base first, Combine the biscuits, sugar, melt butter and water. Press into bottom of a pan cake. Let        cool until perfectly dry.

3. For cake, Beat softened cream cheese and add sugar, vanilla extract until blended. Add eggs, one at a time. Then, add whip crim and blended well. 

4. Bake at 180 degrees C for 45-50 minutes. When done, let cool and chill the cheesecake in refrigerator. 
5. You can decorate the cake in your own way. You also can spread the balance whip cream all over the cake. 


Life must go on


Life must go on, no matter how hard it can be.

Today is very a sad day for me. I can't go to PPI Reunion, and that make me more emotional today. I really want to meet Aisyah, Syafiqah, Wani and others, this might be the last change and ya, i'm so stupid to let it go. Talk about this, literally , makes me becomes more sad.

And the most important thing that blew my happy mood.... hmm, Qila, my twin, my sis, my buddy is on her way to Johor Bahru. Who is Qila? Okay, she is my sister, 13 years old for this year. Adik yang lebih besar daripada kakak dia, haha, not that big, just okay i admit maybe I was ya ya kinda short. She much taller than  me. Selalu juga, orang mix up yang I ni adik and dia kakak. Haha, but ya i like that way because its makes me look younger. ;') . So maybe for awhile no one gonna say like that anymore because you are not around.

the left one is Qila. 

I spent a lot of my holidays with her doing all those crazy stuff, we were sketching, drawing malam malam buta. We even successfully memorized this Little Things song by One Direction and sing it almost every night.  We karaoke a lot of different songs. I told her about my badut comel. And ya, the only person in this house i can bravely talk about badut comel is her. I can tell her everything. I can't share my story to Along or Rina or anyone else even Arissa, haha. Qila, she won't tell mom. I can count on her. That is the good thing. Ya, the almost thing i won't forget, the moment when we solat sama sama. We share our knowledge, you talked about arts and I gave you some advise. Day before yesterday, we both watched movie together, First Love, casting by Mario Maurer, haha we both have a big crush on him. haha. For this holiday, I'm so proud of her because she finally berjaya masak sardin and nasi goreng. She hates kitchen life so much, she said 'I want to find husband yang pandai masak so that I don't have to cook' . Haha, jenuh membebel dekat dia lepas tu. I said 'good food do brings something that you will never imagine' .

You know what, my day will ya, quite lonely maybe when you are no longer around. I will sleep alone, I will sketching alone, and the saddest thing is I'm not sure to who I want to share my story with. My friend? tak duduk sebumbung. Cakap sorang-sorang la jawabnya. Haha.

Yes, she leave me with a small letter, quite meaningful. I can't stop my tears from falling. hmmm

Stick it to my dashboard so that i wont forget. I miss you, Qila! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I love. both of you

assalamualaikum w.b.t ,

'setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati'

why so suddenly? hmm, i miss you both, opah, maktok. how I really wish both of you.... hmm . To lost dua dua grandma in one year, one day and even more worst dalam dua hari berturut-turut was really a tough, i think the toughest Allah's test for my family.

21 of August,
raya ketiga, that morning ayah bawa adik-adik dulu pergi johor bahru. tinggal ibu, along and me yang naik bas malam. Dalam on the way ke JB , ayah call cakap maktok dah tak ada. ='( I was like, what,  is this a joke or something, ya i know , im not suppose to say that, but that time.... that feeling bila, terlalu lama tak jumpa maktok. you know, hmm. bukan itu je yang berlegar di fikiran, i think about my dad. Ayah dengan adik adik, how can my adik boleh calm him down. how? will he be okay?

petang itu juga, kebetulan Acik nak pergi JB, we followed him. around 9-10 o'clock baru sampai, waktu orang tengah bertahlil. That moment bila sampai rumah, 'how i wish they could wait for us to come' 'how i wish i could menatap muka maktok for the last time' . it just a wish. yes, so long tak jumpa maktok. i miss her so much. Bila sampai rumah maktok, tercari cari maktok, nak salam dengan maktok, maktok mana.

more sad, imagine waktu baru habis tahlil, orang ipoh call kata opah dah tak ada. I was speechless. How.. hmm. I still remember, mom's face , bila ibu ajak berkumpul, and said 'opah dah tak ada' . kami adik beradik sememangnya speechless. And ayah, malam tu juga decide untuk balik ipoh balik. Could you peoples imagine , not even 24 hours I lost both of my grandma. and for the first time, tak sampai 24 hour dekat JB.

Dalam kereta I terfikir , 'baru esok cadang nak pergi ziarah kubur maktok, memandangkan sampai tadi pun dah malam' . and till now i haven't ziarah kubur arwah lagi. believe it. am i a bad granddaughter?

lepas subuh baru pergi rumah pah, baju kurung yang dipakai waktu pergi JB tak salin pun, still pakai baju tu. memang tak kisah langsung pasal tu. waktu cium opah, opah sejuk sangat. actually, I waited for my grandma to recover from stroke so that she could cook for us, cucu opah. kita orang teringin sangat kerabu mangga yang opah buat, lagi lagi gulai taucu, gulai tempoyak. mana ada dah orang yang masak sedap macam opah masak.

and this is a fact that the 23rd of August is the day, opah birthday. and ya sad cus cik yati baru nak sambut birthday aliya dengan opah.

but, ini semua kehendak Ilahi, kita semua kepunyaan Allah dan kepada Dia lah kita kembali. Pujuk hati untuk redha atas pemergian opah and maktok. I really miss them. What can I do now is just recite Al-Fatihah for them. And really berharap cuti ni dapat ziarah kubur arwah maktok. =)

Opah, maktok, I love you both