Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keep Calm and Do Your Job


Assalamualaikum w.b.t  , readers
How was your PASCA PMR? syok enough or sangat membosankan? Alhamdullilah cikgu-cikgu TCS amat prihatin dengan menyediakan macam macam aktiviti lepas pmr. Sampai tak terbuat semuanya. Yang pasti kitaorang sangat tension . Semangat nak menang dan tak nak menyerah kalah. Yeah.

Alhamdullilah , macam-macam nikmat Allah bagi dalam 3 bulan ni, first dengan result Trial , second dengan adanya dia, haha. then dengan dicalonkan sebagai pengawas next year. Syukran Ya Allah!

Tugas yang berat, menjadi ketua kelas dalam pada masa yang sama kena jadi 'bakal pengawas' . start my duty pada 21 of October selepas Kak Nabil panggil me and terangkan everything. Bila dia tanya kamu tak hantarkan permohonan untuk jadi pengawas? dalam hati alahai, rasa nak tergelak pun ada. Borang dah ambil dah, tapi tak hantar sebab last minute I decide tak nak hantar. Until Kak Nabil cakap ' disebabkan pengawas melayu sikit' . Terus terbuka hati ni terima tawaran ni. One thing, kebaikan kaum sendiri is my priority. Heee, Thanks to all the teachers yang memberi kepercayaan ini.

Im not sure whether next year I still stay dekat TCS or what, but I will keep doing my job. The next day, after the shock day, 22 of October, this kid telah dipilih untuk menjadi Juruacara, mak aiii. dalam banyak banyak kerja, i hate to be juruacara. I hate stage, I hate microfon, but tawakal je la. tak nak cikgu nampak budak ni tak sanggup menerima cabaran, cepat give up, and the most, i don't like people to see me as budak lemah. =) . alhamdullilah, hari tu dah pun berlalu, muahahaha, dah tak nak fikir dah bila cakap laju, terkuat, tergagap semua tu, cus tak nak jadi juruacara dah. haha. =)

bermulanya pelbagai cabaran.. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Jebal Jebal

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
to my hunny, oh dear blog, i'm so sorry if i seem like I'm abandoned you. hee
Okay lets start.

So PMR is done, well actually not yet, Math and Kh are waiting to kill us, dear PMR-ins,so..  good luck! do your best.
Straight to the point, lately i'm just not in a good mood, woo woo. stop there, it is not because of PMS or what ever.  it just, I really tension when people start to talked like this to me :

' Atikah confirm dapat 8A' 'hmm, budak pandai, study last minute pun tak pe' 'senanglah, kau dah pandai' 'kau minta je SBP or MRSM mana-mana confirm dapat'

ya Allah, people, please don't say like this. ke arah positive sikit please, You guys are not the one who will be crying if I don't get staright A for my PMR, i am the one who will be freaking crying like nuts since you peoples  put a high expectation on me. It is a pressure, you know. More pressure when it just me and Huda yang okay trial. It is just TRIAL you know, TRIAL is TRIAL and TRIAL is the past. So please , don't kaitkan between my TRIAL and my PMR.

Bukannya I wish I tak dapat macam Trial result, tak. I'm hope and I give my hope to Allah. I want straight A. And I'm not regret dapat result trial yang okay, just, please, stop with all that hmm hmm thingy.

Shut up Atikah, haha. So GOOD LUCK! after done with your exam don't forget to pray to Allah everyday and minta agar result PMR better than TRIAL. Hanya pada Allah kita meminta, memohon dan hanya Allah yang beri kita kejayaan diatas usaha kita. =D , assalamualaikum.