Sunday, December 30, 2012

Blueberry Cheesecake


Last last week, i made Blueberry Cheesecake, and im so glad, it turn out well. Got the recipe from . but i did change it.

The ingredients,

For Base
20 pieces of Biscuit Marie
75g melt butter
1 tsp cold water
1 tsp sugar

500g cream cheese. You can use Tatura or Philadelphia. Philadelphia is the best but to save budget I suggest you to use Tatura. I used Tatura and alhamdullilah it tasted good.
3/4 cups of castor sugar
4 eggs
250 ml whip cream. Whip cream and frosting cream is different. Jangan salah beli. I used 150g untuk cake and 100g untuk hias kek. *Optional
1 tbs vanilla extract 
250g blueberry filling


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
2. Do the base first, Combine the biscuits, sugar, melt butter and water. Press into bottom of a pan cake. Let        cool until perfectly dry.

3. For cake, Beat softened cream cheese and add sugar, vanilla extract until blended. Add eggs, one at a time. Then, add whip crim and blended well. 

4. Bake at 180 degrees C for 45-50 minutes. When done, let cool and chill the cheesecake in refrigerator. 
5. You can decorate the cake in your own way. You also can spread the balance whip cream all over the cake. 


Life must go on


Life must go on, no matter how hard it can be.

Today is very a sad day for me. I can't go to PPI Reunion, and that make me more emotional today. I really want to meet Aisyah, Syafiqah, Wani and others, this might be the last change and ya, i'm so stupid to let it go. Talk about this, literally , makes me becomes more sad.

And the most important thing that blew my happy mood.... hmm, Qila, my twin, my sis, my buddy is on her way to Johor Bahru. Who is Qila? Okay, she is my sister, 13 years old for this year. Adik yang lebih besar daripada kakak dia, haha, not that big, just okay i admit maybe I was ya ya kinda short. She much taller than  me. Selalu juga, orang mix up yang I ni adik and dia kakak. Haha, but ya i like that way because its makes me look younger. ;') . So maybe for awhile no one gonna say like that anymore because you are not around.

the left one is Qila. 

I spent a lot of my holidays with her doing all those crazy stuff, we were sketching, drawing malam malam buta. We even successfully memorized this Little Things song by One Direction and sing it almost every night.  We karaoke a lot of different songs. I told her about my badut comel. And ya, the only person in this house i can bravely talk about badut comel is her. I can tell her everything. I can't share my story to Along or Rina or anyone else even Arissa, haha. Qila, she won't tell mom. I can count on her. That is the good thing. Ya, the almost thing i won't forget, the moment when we solat sama sama. We share our knowledge, you talked about arts and I gave you some advise. Day before yesterday, we both watched movie together, First Love, casting by Mario Maurer, haha we both have a big crush on him. haha. For this holiday, I'm so proud of her because she finally berjaya masak sardin and nasi goreng. She hates kitchen life so much, she said 'I want to find husband yang pandai masak so that I don't have to cook' . Haha, jenuh membebel dekat dia lepas tu. I said 'good food do brings something that you will never imagine' .

You know what, my day will ya, quite lonely maybe when you are no longer around. I will sleep alone, I will sketching alone, and the saddest thing is I'm not sure to who I want to share my story with. My friend? tak duduk sebumbung. Cakap sorang-sorang la jawabnya. Haha.

Yes, she leave me with a small letter, quite meaningful. I can't stop my tears from falling. hmmm

Stick it to my dashboard so that i wont forget. I miss you, Qila! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I love. both of you

assalamualaikum w.b.t ,

'setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati'

why so suddenly? hmm, i miss you both, opah, maktok. how I really wish both of you.... hmm . To lost dua dua grandma in one year, one day and even more worst dalam dua hari berturut-turut was really a tough, i think the toughest Allah's test for my family.

21 of August,
raya ketiga, that morning ayah bawa adik-adik dulu pergi johor bahru. tinggal ibu, along and me yang naik bas malam. Dalam on the way ke JB , ayah call cakap maktok dah tak ada. ='( I was like, what,  is this a joke or something, ya i know , im not suppose to say that, but that time.... that feeling bila, terlalu lama tak jumpa maktok. you know, hmm. bukan itu je yang berlegar di fikiran, i think about my dad. Ayah dengan adik adik, how can my adik boleh calm him down. how? will he be okay?

petang itu juga, kebetulan Acik nak pergi JB, we followed him. around 9-10 o'clock baru sampai, waktu orang tengah bertahlil. That moment bila sampai rumah, 'how i wish they could wait for us to come' 'how i wish i could menatap muka maktok for the last time' . it just a wish. yes, so long tak jumpa maktok. i miss her so much. Bila sampai rumah maktok, tercari cari maktok, nak salam dengan maktok, maktok mana.

more sad, imagine waktu baru habis tahlil, orang ipoh call kata opah dah tak ada. I was speechless. How.. hmm. I still remember, mom's face , bila ibu ajak berkumpul, and said 'opah dah tak ada' . kami adik beradik sememangnya speechless. And ayah, malam tu juga decide untuk balik ipoh balik. Could you peoples imagine , not even 24 hours I lost both of my grandma. and for the first time, tak sampai 24 hour dekat JB.

Dalam kereta I terfikir , 'baru esok cadang nak pergi ziarah kubur maktok, memandangkan sampai tadi pun dah malam' . and till now i haven't ziarah kubur arwah lagi. believe it. am i a bad granddaughter?

lepas subuh baru pergi rumah pah, baju kurung yang dipakai waktu pergi JB tak salin pun, still pakai baju tu. memang tak kisah langsung pasal tu. waktu cium opah, opah sejuk sangat. actually, I waited for my grandma to recover from stroke so that she could cook for us, cucu opah. kita orang teringin sangat kerabu mangga yang opah buat, lagi lagi gulai taucu, gulai tempoyak. mana ada dah orang yang masak sedap macam opah masak.

and this is a fact that the 23rd of August is the day, opah birthday. and ya sad cus cik yati baru nak sambut birthday aliya dengan opah.

but, ini semua kehendak Ilahi, kita semua kepunyaan Allah dan kepada Dia lah kita kembali. Pujuk hati untuk redha atas pemergian opah and maktok. I really miss them. What can I do now is just recite Al-Fatihah for them. And really berharap cuti ni dapat ziarah kubur arwah maktok. =)

Opah, maktok, I love you both 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.h ,
new short story from me, lalala, me no good dalam berkarang. i wanna give it a try, so .. jemput baca, haha


Emma call Qi. “Pick up the phone la wey”

Qi : Okay, wait what? Why Emma call me la? , we never on the phone before. She is the one who tell me not to call her walau apa jadi sekali pun. Ahhh , maybe adik dia main tekan tekan ni. 

Qi idle his phone and continue tweeting with his friends.

Emma: Pick up my phone la. Errrrrrrr!

Emma open her twitter and tweet “Dey, when people call you, ce jawab, this is urgent”

Qi read Emma’s tweet and rasa sangat pelik.

Qi: so… okay.  bukan adik dia main tekan tekan.

Then, Qi tweet “let me call you”

Emma didn’t reply , instead she wrote another tweet “no need, just answer my call"

Qi did the same, “Arasso, if you said so”  you know ‘Unmention Game’ on twitter. LOL

Emma call again and this time Qi answer the call.

Qi: hey, whats up ma girl?

Emma: hmm, give me 5 minutes to explain everything. Okay, hmmm, I love you..

Qi: I love you too, you call I sebab nak cakap tu je?

Emma: Please Qi, please be serious. That is not the main point, okay. You just need to shut your mouth and let me speak, just me, don’t ever interrupt or else cerita akan jadi lain.  can you do that my dear?

Emma: Hello, can you?

Qi: yaya, sure.. I will shut my mouth for 5 minutes and dengar you membebel, okay teruskan.

Emma: Hi Qi, err. Again I tell you I love u. Kita dah kawan dari darjah 2 lagi, and now dah almost 10 years kita berkawan. Sampai dah berapa awek kau ada pun aku tahu. Haha, mana tak nya sorang girl pun tak melekat dengan kau. Hmm,  Kau la kawan baik aku, percaya atau tak aku lebih sayang kau dari aku sayang kawan perempuan aku. Hari-hari aku ceria bila dengan kau.  Tapi aku dah cukup terseksa Qi, aku dah penat menunggu. Haa, I’m not suppose to say this. Aku dah cukup rimas kau layan aku macam ni. Cukuplah. Haha, kau takkan faham aku kan? Hmm , Qi, kau sayang aku kan? Please, for sake Qi, please forget me. Mianhae , mianhae Qi, aku tak sepatutnya  mengkianati our friendship. I do believe that love can ruins a friendship. Terjadi sekarang. Forget me please Qi! Forget me forget me!

Qi: apa kau merepek ni Emma?

Emma: Qi, aku belum habis lah! Kan aku suruh kau senyap, tengok kau dah fikir lain. Ishh! kan hmm cerita dah lain, lalala, okay lupakan. HAHAHA,Qi… aku main main la. Kau mana boleh lupakan aku. I’m your friend sehidup semati. Aku call ni sebenarnya bukan nak merepek bagai ni, haha, saja nak kenakan kau. Aku just nak cakap yang… aku dah dapat dah surat tu…… surat tawaran pergi UK wehh, ahhhhh, happy gila sekarang ni. Haha, kau dah dapat tak? Jangan pergi jauh dari aku Qi.

Qi: Emma apa kena kau malam ni? Cara kau cakap ni lain macam. Ahhh, lantak, that is my Emma! By the way, untunglah kan dapat pergi UK, hmm hmm.

Emma: ha? Errr, Qi, takkan kau tak dapat kot? . wehh, sorry.

Qi: lalalala, hmm, tak payah kesian dekat aku, kesian dekat diri kau , sebab hari-hari kau kat sana takkan aman! Whole family aku pindah sana, so , aku pun belajar dekat UK. But maybe tak sama la Universiti dengan kau. Emma, aku tengah buat muka monyok ni.

Emma: haha, mengada la Qi. Yeyyyyy, Qi ada Qi ada. Jadi bodyguard aku, tidak harus tapi wajib.

To be continue…

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keep Calm and Do Your Job


Assalamualaikum w.b.t  , readers
How was your PASCA PMR? syok enough or sangat membosankan? Alhamdullilah cikgu-cikgu TCS amat prihatin dengan menyediakan macam macam aktiviti lepas pmr. Sampai tak terbuat semuanya. Yang pasti kitaorang sangat tension . Semangat nak menang dan tak nak menyerah kalah. Yeah.

Alhamdullilah , macam-macam nikmat Allah bagi dalam 3 bulan ni, first dengan result Trial , second dengan adanya dia, haha. then dengan dicalonkan sebagai pengawas next year. Syukran Ya Allah!

Tugas yang berat, menjadi ketua kelas dalam pada masa yang sama kena jadi 'bakal pengawas' . start my duty pada 21 of October selepas Kak Nabil panggil me and terangkan everything. Bila dia tanya kamu tak hantarkan permohonan untuk jadi pengawas? dalam hati alahai, rasa nak tergelak pun ada. Borang dah ambil dah, tapi tak hantar sebab last minute I decide tak nak hantar. Until Kak Nabil cakap ' disebabkan pengawas melayu sikit' . Terus terbuka hati ni terima tawaran ni. One thing, kebaikan kaum sendiri is my priority. Heee, Thanks to all the teachers yang memberi kepercayaan ini.

Im not sure whether next year I still stay dekat TCS or what, but I will keep doing my job. The next day, after the shock day, 22 of October, this kid telah dipilih untuk menjadi Juruacara, mak aiii. dalam banyak banyak kerja, i hate to be juruacara. I hate stage, I hate microfon, but tawakal je la. tak nak cikgu nampak budak ni tak sanggup menerima cabaran, cepat give up, and the most, i don't like people to see me as budak lemah. =) . alhamdullilah, hari tu dah pun berlalu, muahahaha, dah tak nak fikir dah bila cakap laju, terkuat, tergagap semua tu, cus tak nak jadi juruacara dah. haha. =)

bermulanya pelbagai cabaran.. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Jebal Jebal

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
to my hunny, oh dear blog, i'm so sorry if i seem like I'm abandoned you. hee
Okay lets start.

So PMR is done, well actually not yet, Math and Kh are waiting to kill us, dear PMR-ins,so..  good luck! do your best.
Straight to the point, lately i'm just not in a good mood, woo woo. stop there, it is not because of PMS or what ever.  it just, I really tension when people start to talked like this to me :

' Atikah confirm dapat 8A' 'hmm, budak pandai, study last minute pun tak pe' 'senanglah, kau dah pandai' 'kau minta je SBP or MRSM mana-mana confirm dapat'

ya Allah, people, please don't say like this. ke arah positive sikit please, You guys are not the one who will be crying if I don't get staright A for my PMR, i am the one who will be freaking crying like nuts since you peoples  put a high expectation on me. It is a pressure, you know. More pressure when it just me and Huda yang okay trial. It is just TRIAL you know, TRIAL is TRIAL and TRIAL is the past. So please , don't kaitkan between my TRIAL and my PMR.

Bukannya I wish I tak dapat macam Trial result, tak. I'm hope and I give my hope to Allah. I want straight A. And I'm not regret dapat result trial yang okay, just, please, stop with all that hmm hmm thingy.

Shut up Atikah, haha. So GOOD LUCK! after done with your exam don't forget to pray to Allah everyday and minta agar result PMR better than TRIAL. Hanya pada Allah kita meminta, memohon dan hanya Allah yang beri kita kejayaan diatas usaha kita. =D , assalamualaikum.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh Trial!

well hello there heads! assalammualaikum. 
 yeehee today entry is about trial pmr. So to all the pmr-ians, i know it quite late for me to say this but nak cakap juga ' GOOD LUCK' haha. okay = =' . 

I'm too proud of you pmr-ians, finally we managed to knock Voldermort down, bak kata pepatah 

I wanna share what I did on the first day of exam as well as the following day,
I did something ridiculous and foolish enough, haha. Dumbledore give Harry a message. And that message is written by me to give it to me. Got it? Well, imagine that i'm dreaming that Dumbledore give message to Harry (me). You know what, I tak faham apa yang I tulis. peace. 

okay sambung, analoginya, 
after done with BM exam paper -> balik rumah -> ambil sticky note -> and write this

'Well done Harry. You had complete the task 1(kalahkan voldermort paper bm) .Beware that Voldermort will come to you in any day. I mean everyday until all the 8 tasks are done. 7 stage to go. Good luck, do your best!'

Haha, funny and foolish! Hari berikutnya,

'Voldermort has lost his wand because of you! Only you can do that Harry, well done. But you still have to be careful. Voldermort is a good finder. He wouldn't give you a rest. Good luck for tomorrow!'

dan pada hari seterusnya, agak malang. My imaginary dah tinggal 1% kerana busy sangat dengan trial. So tiadalah. Conclusion nya di sini, try to do like this, ia akan membakarkan your semangat! yeah!

Result pula, alhamdullilah to Allah for the good grade. Syukran, syukran!
But, pernah tak anda terfikir yang nikmat boleh jadi musibah, okay itu mungkin ujian daripadaNya. That moment apabila anda tengah happy while you friend dalam kesedihan, memang rasa sangat bersalah.
What I mean are okay you got a good grade and orang disekeliling you buat muka. okay hilang mood bila cakap pasal benda ni. So lupakan =)

Be happy and again i'm just lucky dalam trial. Trial ialah sejarah so lets forget about it and start a new great superb life anda dengan study. muahaha, So GOOD LUCK and DO ALL THE BEST in pmr.

P/S : jangan mengaku anda bodoh, kerana itu ialah satu doa. dan jangan bangga sangat jadi pandai, sebab Allah tak suka orang yang riak. Sesungguhnya Allah akan mencabut apa-apa perkara daripada orang yang dikehendakiNya. 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Dibawah atau diatas?

Hidup kita ibarat roda, sekejap di atas, sekejap di bawah. Kita tak pernah tahu berapa lama kita di atas mahupun di bawah. Semuanya kehendak Ilahi dan ujian daripada Nya. Maksud ujian disini bukan untuk yang dibawah semata-mata malah di atas turut diberi ujian, cuma ujiannya berbeza. Contoh ujian untuk  si 'di atas' adalah kemewahan. Kemewahan boleh membuatkan dia riak, bangga, sombong dan merasakan diri dia dah cukup hebat. Hebat ke awak kalau awak tak gunakan harta ke jalan Allah? Hebat ke awak bila waktu susah dahulu awak meminta-minta pada Allah dan apabila dah senang , senang-senang je awak lupakanNya? Hebat ke?

Ujian dia yang dibawah pun cukup berat. Allah dugakan dia dengan kekurangan makanan, kehilangan harta benda.
Ada dua jenis manusia yang 'dibawah' ,
Satu, manusia yang dapat terima dengan kekurangan yang dia ada.
Kedua, manusia yang tak dapat menerima takdir Allah. Dia sering menyalahkan orang sekeliling dia dan ada juga yang menyalahkan penciptaNya. Masyallah.

Apa yang cuba saya sampaikan disini adalah darjat didunia. Tidakkah pernah kita harapkan, andai aku miskin, sederhanakanlah aku. Andai aku diberi pilihan untuk memilih menjadi kaya ataupun sederhana, izinkanlah aku memiliki kehidupan yang sederhana kerana aku tidak mampu untuk menanggung seksa jatuh dengan teruk dari kerusi yang selesa. Aku sungguh takut aku akan berpaling daripada mu, maka jika engkau berikan sesuatu kenikmatan kepada ku, aku mohon hiasikan lah diri aku dengan sikap suka merendah diri. Amin.

Monday, July 9, 2012

We are in ..?

It's a short entry about we are in HAHA this picture

nampak tak apa saya nampak? tak nampak? Di tenggara gambar ni. That's me and Athira! haha. masuk paper Star Metro kot. Bangganya kami. well, actually not. Yang pasti buruk dan selekehnya kita. =)

Tak bernafas tengok thousand of people. ya allah,  sesaknya. Second time joining Star Walk and ya i had a big time. Big time helped my classmate to take their goodies. Balik rumah with a gigantic box. Thanks mom to allowed me to help my friends and yeah drove me to Star Office. =D

Monday, June 11, 2012

Kerja Kursus Geografi PMR 2012 Tugasan 2


Here is my kerja kursus geografi. It's maybe tak sempurna macam anda punya. Tapi mana la tau kot kot stuck tak tahu nak buat macam mana ke or anda memang tak buat satu pun lagi ke kan. So take a look. Ikhlas membantu anda.

Ini pun berani share sebab dah hantar. Ingat! Ini hanya lah rujukan. Jangan copy bulat-bulat. I help you, you help yourself dengan tidak menipu =)

Lampiran suppose at least ada empat, so buatlah apa-apa surat pun. Dalam ini ada 2 lampiran sahaja, disebabkan cikgu dah terlebih baik sumbangkan lagi 2 lampiran. Maaf!

Kerja Kursus Geografi PMR 2012 Tugasan 2 FULL

CREDIT to my friend, MAA for helping me. Arigato gozaimas!! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

sleep paralysis


Today entry about sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis bermaksud lumpuh dalam tidur. neihh you know that. But pernah ke benda ni berlaku dalam hidup korang. TAK? you guys are lucky enough. Jangan diminta, you'll regret.

fact about sleep paralysis
- first berlaku pada umur 14-17
- rasa sesak nafas, badan tak boleh bergerak, jerit tak sorang pun dengar
- sebab terjadinya bendah alah ni

  • tidur dalam posisi terlentang terlalu lama
  • jadual tidur yang tak 'sistematik'
  • tak cukup tidur
  • stress
  • pertukaran cara hidup
- kita akan berhalusinasi

wondering why i'm talking about this? hmm, dah lebih tiga kali benda ni berlaku in my life. lepas bangun mesti rasa tension gila. 

antara situation yang ingat

situation 1
- masa jadi sleep paralysis ni, i feel kena tindih dengan sangat la kuat. dah jerit , i call my mom. but no one listen. menyampah gila la waktu tu. and waktu kena paralysis ni , ada mimpi. dalam mimpi tu pun ada mimpi. nonsense kan? but itulah kenyataan.
PUNCA- stress. hari tu lepas gaduh dengan sape entah.

situation 2
- sleepover dekat rumah kawan, yang ni pulak dekat kaki je. but mata memang tutup la. karang tak pasal-pasal. pejam mata but tak tidur because memang sedar waktu tu. even boleh rasa peluh mengalir akibat ketakutan. Grrr.
PUNCA- tak cukup tidur

situation 3
- happen 2 hari lepas. waktu tu pukul 1 a.m, nak tidur but sebelum tidur mesti la tidur-tidur ayam dulu kan? belum sempat nak tidur ayam dah satu badan tak boleh bergerak. GREAT sangat. Then, rasa ada energy tarik from kaki ke kepala. Memang sedar waktu tu or separuh sedar. sengaja tutup mata risau nampak benda bukan-bukan. last-last tak boleh buka.  That time, i talked to myself , dah sampai ajal aku ke ni. malaikat maut? I keep berzikir, baca al-fatihah, yassin. Then lagi teruk, macam 'benda' tu marah. so energy yang tarik menarik tu lagi kuat then rasa my body kena angkat and dilambung,dihempuk. After kena hempuk tu i'm not sure apa jadi. Berjaya keluar daripada dunia sleep paralysis ni pun sebab alarm handphone - Holes Inside. Nasib baik berjaya kalau tak? Bye guys. 
- stress dengan exam 
- tak cukup tidur mana taknya minggu exam ni aku tidur 3 jam sehari je. Tak percaya? Tolong la percaya.
- jadual tidur tak sistematik memandangkan 5 minute setiap kali nak rest. 
- pertukaran cara hidup. sah! 

conclusion nya, jangan minta untuk kena tindih. benda ni buat korang geram geram sangat sangat. aku tulis benda ni pun dalam keadaan geram. bila dah kena, rasa nak tidur pun takut. But lucky la at least aku tak berhalusinasi macam orang lain. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

wish a luck, student

Seperti anda, (warga Malaysia), kita sedia maklum bahawa di Malaysia kini telah dilanda dengan perasaan takut dan gementar. Okay lawak. Perasaan ini telah dilanda pada setiap pelajar di sini. Almaklumlah, musim peperiksaan ye ke tidak? Orang kat sini pun sama. =) , So here, i wanna say 'Good Luck, Dude-Dude'! what a lame, haha. 2012 runs fast isn't? pejam celik pejam celik dah mid year exam. Gulp.

shoutout to me : Atikah, even though you don't go tuition, even though you have problems at home.with your sibling matter, it doesn't mean that you can't do the best. SO buktikan dekat every people, you are something. ps: stupid people senang kena tipu. and you are not one of them.

Some doa to share, credit to

 1. Ketika memasuki dewan peperiksaan:
وَقُلْ رَبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَلْ لِيمِنْ لَدُنْكَ سُلْطَانًا نَصِيرًا
Maksudnya: “Dan katakanlah: “Wahai Tuhanku! Masukkanlah daku dengan kemasukan yang benar lagi mulia, serta keluarkanlah daku daripadanya dengan cara keluar yang benar lagi mulia; dan berikanlah kepadaku daripada sisiMu hujah keterangan serta kekuasaan yang menolongku.”
2. Ketika menerima kertas soalan
:قَالَ رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِيوَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِيوَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِنْلِسَانِييَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي.
Maksudnya: “Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah bagiku dadaku. Dan mudahkanlah bagiku tugasku. Dan lepaskanlah simpulan daripada lidahku, supaya mereka faham perkataanku.”

3. Ketika sukar menjawab

:ياَ حَيُّ يَا قَيُّوْمُ، بِرَحْمَتِكَ أَسْتَغِيْثُ.
Maksudnya: “Wahai Tuhan yang maha hidup lagi maha berdiri dengan sendirinya. Dengan rahmatMu aku bermohon pertolongan.”

4. Atau

:اَللَّهُمَّ لاَ سَهْلَ إِلاَّ مَا جَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلاً وَأَنْتَ تَجْعَلُ الْحَزَنَ الصَّعْبَ إِنْشِئْتَ سَهْلاً.
Maksudnya: “Ya Allah! Tidak ada kesenangan melainkan pada perkara yang engkau jadikan kesenangan padanya. Dan engkau menjadikan kedukacitaan dan kesukaran sebagai mudah dan senang jika Engkau kehendaki.”

5. Jika anda terlupa jawapan

:اَللَّهُمَّ يَا جَامِعَ النَّاسِ لِيَوْمٍ لاَ رَيْبَ فِيْهِ اجْمَعْ عَلىَ ضَالَّتِيْمَعْلُوْمَاتِيْ.
Maksudnya: “Ya Allah! Tuhan yang menghimpunkan manusia pada hari yang tiada keraguan padanya. Himpunkan barangan dan maklumat yang hilang daripadaku

Study smart, wish me a luck. Ya Allah,permudahkanlah urusan aku. Amin.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bola Lembut

special entry for my special day =)
SOFBOL game. ya, softball is the only SPORT game that i quite know how to play. Well, before ... me+sport = enemy. But now, after peoples keep bashing me that i know nothing about sport, i determined myself to prove that 'that peoples' were totally wrong. HEHE .

My team start training one month ago, so don't ever try to expect we can be like AMC, PGS or SAM TET okay?
First day of tournament, 23 April
just god know how afraid am I . grrr,first day everybody seem blur. TCS(B) vs LC and AMC that day. whooaaa, sad to said, we play quite hmm terrible. haiyaa, what to do, we had 'culture shock' haha.

Third day of tournament, 25 April
it is today, we TCS against PGS. today we are awesome. even though we lost, but for us it's a good game. 14-16. alaa, sikit je lagi. seriously, we play with a spirit and we are so excited. And i heard we made a new record -playing for 1 hour 56 minutes. 56 mins extra woo. Okay, that's a long time. Alhamdullilah, i contribute 2 marks for today game and my mission to get one hand is tet, tak berkesempatan. PGS play a great game, i love you, jersey 15. you are so friendly. next time, we TCS will play like what you guys did - play with a big heart, big smile, fighting spirit , team work =D Thanks for the hat too. HUU-HAA! Maahad, i salute you guys like crazy. When you guys play you never forget our creator, Allah. you guys smart sangat.
The end , waktu balik, Cik Lan our bus driver treat us cendol. awesome. Thanks Cik Lan.

'softball is life. It's more than a sport,more like a passion,red dirt and bruises are in fashion,the wind up,the pitch,scrambling defense,this is what softball is all about,intense parents in the stands,anxious coaches waving their hands,the swing of the bat,the ball,the bases, the glove, this is softball, the game i love!'

Hai it's me
Outfield Softball Player for Third Base
And I had an awesome experience today
I hope today is not the last day me wearing the glove, me swing the bat, me wearing my first jersey number 24.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Surrounding to attitude?

I keep piss off
Believe me I don't want to
Everyone has a different attitude
Attitude shape them
Attitude shape who they are now
Everyone has a different attitude
because of their surrounding
If they were a thief,why?
Why they became a thief?
They don't ask for it but why?
Because they have their's story
They don't do it as a hobby but they have too
There is a purpose why they stealing
Except they are stupid enough to do it as a hobby.
Me being so rebellious? But why?
Because of my surrounding
No teens rebel for no reason
I have my story so do you. 

Our surrounding shape us
Our surrounding change us

Don't agree? Your choice. This thing nothing to do with me. Haha. I just wrote it. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Clock is the evidence

tick, tick, tick
the clock seem delaying ticking
i keep turning my head toward the clock
please ticking faster
i can't wait for another minute
it's pain it's hurt
it's not just about time but it is you,
you're the reason, the reason i'm hoping
please ticking your clock fast so that you can wake up ,so that i'm not going to wait anymore
please ticking your clock slowly so that you won't forget me

i look at your pale, sick face
i can see your face struggle for living
i look at your eyes, how much i want it to be open
all the wires connect to your thin body, it bother me a lot.

i had waited and i am waiting
it's worries me if i can't wait any longer
i can't send you away like this.
you might come back, because you might return
again today, i wait for you

your eyes,
your eyes moving,
okay, please open,open,open
yes,it's open.
Nurse? no forget it.

me: hai . how..hmm..Are you okay?
him: nothing better from not being dying
me: shh
him: I had a feeling, you know that feeling when you know that 'time' .
me: what are you talking about? shh, don't talk too much
him: time fly so do I. i'm going to leave you anyway, just stop waiting. it's annoyed me. this might be my last words, i want you to know deep in my heart I never wish this wall separate us. It's fate. Remember me as your zillion best friend, your unpredictable lover and your not yet husband. okay?

tit tit tit tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
you're gone after that minute
finally you say goodbye
i know you trying to be strong
but the pain keep holding on

we both orphan.
we don't have family
you is mine and i'm yours
and now i'm alone.

clock is the evidence.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Loyal Listener

hello and assalamualaikum world.
I just wanna shared about my first English Oral for this year. Alhamdullilah, everything went quite good so far. It's pair work. Thanks to Syaqila for the scrips. The scrips was wonderful enough. We talking about ' A loyal Listener'. Yeah our beloved technology, BLOGGER. At first, we titled the scrips as The Dead Listener . But there's something fishy and totally not right there. well, Blogger is not dead. It even not live before it been dead. Got it?  It's nuts enough for me to write the scrips here. I think about doing that earlier. Me so dumb. Oh yeah, while doing the oral , yes of course me forgetting a few lines. neihh,random right? everyone did that. I even not able finished my lines because time tick so fast. At the end, Miss Lau asked me a few questions like what she did to others. Atikah, are you interest in being a stewardess? I answered it with a shock ugly face and shouted NO! never. 'but I dream being a Pilot' i said. then, she said something and I'm not sure what it was.Then i reply, but I'm fobia in high, smirk face.She said might be when you're in the plane the fobio will blown away.  When she asked me what is so interest being a pilot, me became so speechless. Actually pilot is not my first career choice. Every hour I think of different career. Me being a chef, a pilot, an architecture, ustazah, lecturer, engineer ahhh I dunno.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Facing the happiness in the sadness


Birthday come only once in a year. Everyone thought it was something no random awesome about. It is super something. No matter if it was good or bad, at least it make us smile. I was born on 26 Feb. My first birthday party was too stunning. People everywhere, balloons, present,cake. Even thought I can't remember what happen that day but pictures tell me that i'm so happy.

For this year, no party, no cakes, no wishes from my parents but it was nothing for me. It make me become more mature. It's okay if no party, Islam teach us to prevent from do something wasteful. So do the cakes, makan keluar balik. It was nothing. HAHA. But no wishes from my parents? Okay it was awful . I try to be more positive, my dad might be he was busy, no time to call me. I understand. Might be my parents tak wishes but they keep praying for me. It more sweet than a wish actually.

And yeah thanks for all the wishes, my friends. Special thanks yang teramat to him - because you make my horror day became a superb luminous. Even though you dunno what happen that day but your words really help me to keep my chin up. Like what you said 'unhappy girl is just like a candy without it's sweetness'. So true. And thanks to Athira for accompany my night that day. I had a great day watched you eating that salted fish. hee 

Thanks for the gift too, a stunning turquoise dress from Wanyah, a silver purse from my beloved junior, Amira Liyana, a T-shirt and a scarlet red purse bag from Jb, Cik Eita. Appreciate, love,awesome,smitten,cool, OmGee, adorable. no words to describe how happy I am. 

comelkan wrapper dia,Hello Kitty, aww.

Story gift from cik eita. Just got that gift yesterday. Inside the wrapper got newspaper, inside the newspaper got another newspaper,inside the newspaper got newspaper and so on. A lot of wrapper until ... tada . 

from Wan Nyah. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Flood Adventure

As what I can remember, I woke up at 5.20 morning that day after realized that I haven't whitening my school shoes yet. It was Monday, well. After I turn the main door, I saw my house been surrounded by water. I'm in shock and became so speechless. I never saw something like this before. Water drowned whole part parking lot of my house. Turn my head to my parents and told them what I saw. They became so curious, worry and hmmm. We started to pick things around, and put them at the top floor. We took about three hour to save as much as what we can. And yeah believe me I'm late to school that day. I arrived at 7.45 through the flood. I still not believed I did that. 

Enter the school gates with a smugly smile. I heard my senior applaud as I came in. One of the kakak said 'see,En Foong , dia bersemangat datang sekolah walaupun banjir'. yup, Papa Foong and Papa Leong was there. Same thing happen when I came in to my class. haha. And yeah, that day I became so 'popular' as a few people and teachers ask me about it, haha. 

Being Crazy

In an owl light scenery, under a railroad, the train moves as fast as light. A boy decides to propose a girl. They know each other for a long time. They laugh,eat,crying,being moody and fighting together. They can't be broke up. In the one breath the boy said 'Do you want to be my girlfriend?' . He is waiting. She said no and start to walk away from the boy. Goof thing was the boy did nothing and started to think that he has no opportunity to get the girl back. He was wondering what his fault. He was not alone, his buddies was there. 'You're fail, man' one of his buddies said. He was regret and start running. Running as fast as he could. Running down to the busy town.At the same time,his eyes chaotically searching for that girl and he stop running when he felt too exhausted.He give up and sat under the shallow tree for couple of hours and reminisced his fate. 
Suddenly, he heard the girl said 'Fool' . He looked around and ,yes, finally he found the girl. They hugged and the girl said 'Don't ask in front of your friends' .

An adaption from Teen Top- Crazy Mv. Yeah i changed it a little bit. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Kursus kepimpinan

Since homework tak berapa nak banyak hari ini, so here my laporan about kursus kepimpinan

-Last Saturday i joined a camp by MKT at Intan Suraya,Sungai Siput. We went there by bus (of course la) and arrived around err dunno, and unfortunately we have to wait for a turn to masuk that camp because bus so la BESAR sehingga tak muat untuk masuk. Tunggu punya tunggu last-last our group's turn. Sedih tak dapat naik Hilux.  Kitaorang naik BAS KILANG. alaaa, yang warna biru tu. jadi pekerja kilang kicap jap. Journey nak masuk kedalam, mak aii, macam main Roller Coaster. terenjut-enjut.

After dah sampai,kita orang terus makan. Makan bihun goreng. Sedap. Then masuk dewan kuliah dengar taklimat jap. Meet Encik Ros,Walid and Ustaz Arjunaidi for the first time. After much deliberation, we checked in to the dorm, Dorm9 -Me,Mas,Wina,Kak Indon,Kak Kimah, Kak Nano,Kak Ama, Suraya,Anis,Amira Yasmin. superb dorm. Then masuk dewan balik, sesi Ice breaking pulak, every each of participants wajib buat ice breaking. 83 all of us. GOD! one by one, quite funny actually. Encik Ros pandai buat lawak. but bila dah lama semua macam mendap je. HAHA.

That evening around 5 o'clock we did Explorace. OhMyGee teramat-amatlah best. running in raining for the first time in my life. niceeeooo. Group E so serious but very cooperating to each other. And that night after kuliah maghrib we had our blindman session. nak kata tak best, best. hmmm, blindman ni kitaorang ditutupkan mata dengan kain warna hitam and kena pegang kawan kalau tak sesat. then, berhenti dekat satu tempat and kena cari tali sampai last point. anis infront of me, kena pergi sorang-sorang . last-last aku yang depan jadi petunjuk arah, dalam perjalanan yang amat beliku dan memeningkan,dalam keadaan yang confident, tiba-tiba PAP! terduduk teman, touch my forehead, Sakit kot. rupa-rupanya terlanggar tiang, i don't get it kenapa? kenapa letakkan di tiang ?kan dah bengkak, nasib baik tak berbenjol.

That night, me and Mas tidur satu katil. Actually semua katil double decker,but because i'm afraid of high and Mas mengada nak tidur sekatil, so sharing la. Agak hebat sebab kitaorang tak jatuh. whoaa whoaaa.

Second day
Woke up at 5.30 in the morning. Hp orang lain yang berbunyi orang lain yang bangun. Orang first bangun. hebat tak? bangun je bukak lampu bilik air, tak nak kacau orang tidur. pergi mandi siap, kejut wina pergi solat. Kitaorang dengan kak ama je yang solat subuh dekat surau, yang lain dekat dorm.

WHOOT, have to stop now. dah terlebih panjang. immediately stop.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More feminine,please?


turun tangga dengan shy shy cat, masyallah malunya.. entah berapa lama aku duduk dekat tangga tu. 
gagahkan juga kaki pergi depan living room. with a burst smile, god! duduk,and wait for someone to realize. Belum sempat one minute habis, ibu dah tegur. HAHA! (my first reaction) . her first ayat ' ha'! muat pun' . ada la nampak ayu sikit, ni tak '. i smile smugly. Then Rina interject, she said ' what angah! haha, kau nampak pelik'. Rina, i don't believe it either. 

Half hour before this atas thingy happen, open my wardrobe and saw my past four five years maxi skirt. and still muat kot. tak fit just senteng. apalagi grab je la. four years tak pernah pakai any kind of skirt. tup tup, make history today. mana tak nya. my face telah dicop dengan tee and track suit. Or tee with jeans. No skirt. no no.

my another wish for this year : turn from a girl to a lady.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Experiment unwork.

After 10 minutes watched Martha Bakes, i decided to do something look alike sticky buns. Macam Kek Gulung pun ada la. Flour,Sugar,Salt have been stiffed. Lalu digaul dengan telur,marjerin and baking powder. And ini lah jadinya. Bidan terjun punya kerja. UNFORTUNATELY, terlebih baking powder la pulak. heee. pahit yang amat. Experiment unwork. bye

school life is a war

I admit i take a long time to update my blog. 
Quite busy nowadays, school life like warrrrrrrrr. 
sehari tak sah kalau tak stayback, kalau tak kawad, softball, tak pun sengaja je tak balik,study.
my first day at school quite idyllic. everything perfect. 
Met Puan Suzilah for the first time on 3rd January. From sekolah Clifford, Kuala Kangsar. What a great form teacher. Because dia dah biasa ajar budak lelaki so she kind a kasar sikit. Tu yang best actually.

and ber-experience jadi class monitor for 3 Daisy. masyallah,susah hang tau tak. everything happen you la orang yang dicari dulu. And IF TIME COULD TURN BACK i want to hand over my role to Aruhvi. well, back to 2 years ago, I'm just her assistant and believe me it is awkward. i feel bad about it. Damn bad. GRR. I'm afraid if i'm not so good to be a leader. Sorry guys. By the way i thank Allah to give me this kind of opportunity. Alhamdulillah. 

Lastly,Congratulation to 3 Daisy for the 'Never Late' for school. Yey!   AND we got our new name tag. 3 words - Green? what? yucks!

Monday, January 2, 2012

two zero one two

assalamualaikum, how's your 2012? great enough? okay awal lagi. Even though it's already page 2 of 366, i would like to wish you HAPPY NEW NEW YEAR!! 
Let's talk about azam tahun ni. ACT, i never talk about azam in my entire lower secondary life. So,nak try, jadi tak. I wish ALL IS WELL. tu je,haha!

Bye 2011, Hi 2012. just saying

for the first time in my life i celebrate new year with my buddies, kau ada?  LOL

alang-alang dah ada orang suruh buat cake, cake tu juga la cake new year kitaorang, cake BDay anis adilla. 
RB Atirah Wardah ShoutOut: Anis, sorry tak dapat buat Cake batik, one day nanti aku bagi, okay? 

kecoh je buat cake kat rumah anis, mana taknya, oven tak pernah lagi guna so anis agak afraid to use. last-last baked juga cake tu. Everyone yang makan cake tu cakap 'it's delicious' . alhamdullilah jadi.

New Lemon Year Cake. 

That evening gila-gila buat video,
One of it ... 2011 in memory. my 2011's memories? semuanya dah cerita dalam blog. you guys just have to click old post. =]

different meaning,same alphabet
actually memang tersalah eja b'cus that day buat essay about air pollution.Conserve! 

ShoutOut : Happy Birthday to predator, Farid