Thursday, April 18, 2013

From TCS to IGOP

The story started on the 27th of February the day after my birthday, one big news that had change my life. Eceh. Balik dari sekolah Rina told me 'Angah, kau dapat SBP' . and i was like ?!!!?!!!! Ya Allah, im going to leave TCS, for seriously? That was my first though, then i think oh yeah kalau tak accept pun takpe then terus dilupakan pasal SBP. That evening, my mom came to my room and asked me whether i have decided to go or not, no answer from me, i just kept silent and from no where 'some' tears fell down, haha. I took a couple of days to decide, I still remember my friends' face that full of frustration when I told them about this thing. LOL, bunyi macam perasan la pulak, haha. My mom really want me to go to SBP and I know she know what is good for me. So on the 4th of March, last day as TCS's girl. Cried a lot that day. Dah okay dah kawal ego taknak menangis but then when kumpul ramai ramai dengan kawan kawan, Athira, she doesn't want to see my face, okay very emotional because of that. Then, Syaqila , hmm her face turns red! She is so double emotional. Haa, that day the last day me and Syaqila nyanyi lagu One Thing dalam Physics Lab, after we sang yes of course she cried! Very emotional la that day. That night Athira is so damn rajin and sangat la berat hati nak lepaskan aku pergi sampai dia datang rumah malam tu. hahaha, that night we played Tic Tac Toe and Cat and Dog ( not the real name)  haha.

note from Athira, last last surat dia tak bagi pergi macam hape. haha

from anis :)

from junior form 3

On the 5th of March, i''m officially - one of  IGOP's student. Everything was awkward that day. Luckily my saudara angkat Dayana Balqis helps me untuk biasakan diri dekat IGOP, first-first jumpa Dayana I thought she is my senior , hampir nak cium tangan kot. haha. And yahhhh pernah la tersasul panggil dia Kak Dayana. hahaha. T__T malunya. Mana tak nya ramai budak IGOP muka mature mature belaka.

From 5th to 14th of March officially la dah 10 days dekat IGOP. Baru 10 hari but a lot of things had happened.
Jatuh depan bilik cikgu? CHECK . 2 days jalan terjengkut-jengkut luckily no one nampak!
 Jatuh longkang? CHECK . macam mana jatuhnya?  yang pasti amat memilukan. ada orang nampak? ada kot, ramai pulak tu, mana tak nya on the way from prep malam to surau, malunya hanya Allah yang tahu. What I did bila dah bangun was LAUGH LAUGH and LAUGH. Because it was funny!
Overconfident? CHECK . jalan dengan penuh confident, tanpa disedari jalan atas lopak air dengan selamba badaknya. ^_^


How is my asrama life? Everything was great. Had a nice dormates. Peoples in Mutiara 4 are all baik-baik. They help me a lot. Macam macam perangai ada. Senior Form 5 - Kak Yaya , Kak Iman, Kak Nurul and Kak Fatimah. Form 4 - YZ the funny one, Hafizah ,Wan, Dayana and me! Form 3 - Tiesya and Sofia. Form 2 -G-ha and Zati . Form 1 - Nurin and Yaya .

Alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan urusan dekat IGOP. Happy sangat dekat sana. I love IGOP! sayang TCS juga :*