Saturday, September 10, 2011


while making cupcakes,suddenly my mom said 'angah,tidur dah malam, kamu tu sakit' . yup betul i am sick. sakit yang biasa je. tidak lah sampai kemaut. first day, i know there is something wrong with me. 7 SEPT. i'm having a bad sore throat, for the first time in my life i finished my mineral water before recess time. may be caused of haze and now most every night, i'm having fever. and my body is in pain, a lot. hmm, unusual for me.

last few days, my ustazah said 'antara tanda-tanda sebelum kiamat ialah keluarnya asap dari perut bumi' . bukankah jerebu maksudnya? allahualam. i am afraid.

cupcakes, if saya sakit tak bermakna saya tak boleh gelak, tak boleh cooking right? 

Friday, September 9, 2011



what should i do?

Thursday, September 1, 2011


hey peeps, how's your eid day? awesome right. hoho my one awesome punya. i'm going to tell you about my journey. sape nak dengar dengar, sape tak nak just click the X di tepi window anda =') 

first's day of eid
this year, i went back to south peninsular Malaysia , Johor Bahru. yahh! like it! bertolak from ipoh at 12.15 and arrived there at 6 something in the morning. sampai sampai terus la mandi. I thought bila dah siap terus la pergi beraya but sungguh la tidak. i help my aunt isi bergelen-gelen air. 
before 12 o'clock ada family belah mak ngah datang nak beraya. join la sekali then, tiba tiba lagu happy birthday berkumandang. Mak Ngah and Mak Uda made a surprise party for my big sister, Atirah. she was ashamed because there's a lot of people there, of course. i will do the same too. 
*kutip buah naga atas kek, i love it so much .

after a shock, we all bersalaman bermaaf-maafan. sesampai dekat ibu, i was damn speechless then I start to cried. my mom said " orang buat salah tu yang kelu" =')  jatuh juga tangisan ini. hehe. then,we went to layang layang. sara said "nak main layang-layang". this place bukan diberi nama disebabkan permainan layang layang la adik. you should try sambal tempoyak's johor. hoho so delicious. 

second's day of eid
the real kampung
have you heard about a drain that is black in colour? it was Sulung's drain.Parit Sulung yee. I call that drain as "COKE drain" colour dia sama and believe me,ada orang mandi dalam itu. dalam parit sulung ada Parit Tegak dan Parit Pantai. di situ kami beraya. can you ever imagine we need to eat at every house that we went to. almost 5 houses wey. disebabkan i'm on diet so ambik pun seciput je. why am i on diet? i don't want to heard "ehh,angah dah bulat la" anymore. hehe =). 
with the full stomach, we went to Cik Eita's house, my aunty. at Jasin,Melaka. makan juga tu kat situ. wear my jubah that my father bought at Bahrain last two years.
after a tired awesome full day, we went back home. ahh tidak. disebabkan malas nak balik ipoh lagi so i ajak my dad pergi Melaka Town. Kila was like jakun . first time tengok A'Famosa katanya. haha.
then we back home. 

baru kira duit raya, kata orang bila dah besar tak dapat dah duit raya tapi I dapat je =D
tell me why? 

that's all for today