Sunday, May 22, 2011

a happy disappointed day (MSSM)

Haaaaaaa, what a great night last night. we had a great day yesterday. i will never forget 20 may 2011 =))

okay,first datang sekolah at about 2.30 pm. we had our lunch, me,anis and tira. then at about 4 pm might be, our bus king edward,taiping coming,masuk la. all the budak2 kat belakang bas, kene sound with mr.safawi (our shushhhh ex bus driver).haha. 

sesampai stadium perak, we all berkumpul, we are in between of raja chulan boys and student from gunung rapat.  we started our last practise and we are so happy and ofcourse we sad,cuz it was our last practise guyss~. we did our best. then we off at 6 something and had our dinner and went to surau to sembahyang asar. then,change our cloth to our yellow mssm shirt. there's so many people there, dah macam semut pun ada (anis said). ya lah, people from all over the country. I am looking for my sister. she want our camera, but batang hidung dia pun tak nampak. so,tak bagi lah. I'm so sorry,sis. 

Okay,at 7.45 we all dah nak masuk, there were just me,anis,tira,syaqila and nadhirah. Bila nak masuk,that kakak with the KRS uniform tak bagi masuk, she said 'budak sekolah tak dibenarkan masuk'.hmm. ayoo, we find another way to get in, but memang tak de. tempat tu je la yang boleh masuk,so gi la tanya mak guard,and dia cakap suruh masuk ikut pintu yang ada kakak krs tu. so,dapat la masuk, we are late.but actually it haven't start yet. alhamullilah. We wait for our turn. so apalagi, photoshot la, we picture with our teachers, cik hanisah and pn norhayati and ofcourse our beloved,mama husna =). 

Then, start with pernyalaan cahaya 1 malaysia (tanglung 1 malaysia)... malaysia book of record!

and then,our stadium perak more gelap gelita~  Fireworksss!!
 click here!!

it so nice =))

then,it was our turn to make our offering.nervous,

nak tengok banyak gambar kat sini


okay, then balik,well kitaorg kan suka buat bising,mr safawi,pe lagi.. kene sembur la lagi.maaf mulut kami memang macam ni. but~ why!why dah habis. tak dapat dah bawak benda haram kat sekolah,tak dapat dah jumpa kakak and abang2 kat kps,tak dapat dah curi-curi tangkap gambar orang( ni aku ngan anis,jenayah berat),tak dapat dah nak menari,tak dapat dah selalu gi stadium,tak dapat dah jumpa kawan-kawan r.chulan,star,g.rapat (kami berempat selalu bersama) =)) haha. tak dapat dah naik bas king edward V11. It's all about sadness eventhough we all actually damn happy. arghhhh. It's all over now.

ha'!! tertinggal satu story, before berangkat pulang (ayat bm).. we picture with kakak abang kps and "moooo"


well,aku tak ada dalam gambar yg kanan ni cus i'm the cameraman, hee. and beside me was abang amirul. he was damn funny. 

that's the end =) just wanna to shared what we feel,what we do.

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